Becket Historical Commission Meeting - November 28, 2012
Present: Aaron, Rob, Rita, Harry 7:09 meeting called to order
Minutes from October meeting were read, Harry moved to accept them as read, Rita seconded and the motion passed unanimously
Town Budget for FY 2013-14 –– Rita moved that we ask for $700 (what we received FY 2012-13) – Aaron 2nd the motion passed unanimously
Received Issues of Common Ground newsletter
Bylaws review committee
History Works Inc. from Chicago – sent us the research they’ve done on the Harris family to date. They made a donation of $40 to Town of Becket. We will send a thank you note (Rob & Aaron will coordinate) – Rob will continue to assist as needed. (65 E Wacker Pl # 315 , Chicago, IL 60601 60601 (312) 553-0300)
MA Sesquicentennial Commission of the Civil War – communication asking for Historical Commissions, etc. to get them significant Civil War items related to MA.
Rob found some missing pictures of houses (one of which, 986 Main) Julia Newman had contacted us about (she is a relative of Bartsch) – she was interested in this house – she wanted to know if we could extend the Historic District – discussion ensued – would make sense to include a bunch of houses on Main St. – would be a lot of paperwork – we will explore and assist Julia if she is interested.
Rob put notice in Eagle seeking new members for Hist. Comm & for Hist. Society - Aaron put notice in Country Journal - after New Year we will re-run notices
Rita suggested sign to place at Town Hall looking for Historical Commission or Society recruits (Rita will make)
Rita contacted Cemetery Commissioner – Michelle Smith – she has money in reserve acct. to build a base for the headstones belonging to the children we were given & will look at placing them near parents’ plots in West Becket Cemetery – she will assume responsibility for them.
New space discussion – Rob hung a bunch of our posters – discussion on what to place where – Rob will continue to hang things up, make the office functional.
Obelisk for Civil War monument – should we submit an article on warrant asking for funding? Rita believes we should proceed with getting an estimate. $1200 for 6’ $1100 for 5’ – Rita will go forward and get estimate for etching on stone so we have a real idea of cost.
250th Celebration for Becket – Rita held a meeting, but no one showed – just a few lists of idea of what to do were submitted – so for now the planning is on hold - next meeting for this group will be Dec. 10 (Monday, 4pm).
We moved our regular monthly meeting for December to Dec. 19th. We will vote at this meeting on what to place on the town warrant.
Rita moved that we adjourn at 7:45pm, Harry seconded and the motion passed unanimously.